International Architecture Worskhop (IAW) is an annual event that held by Gunadarma University. The first event was held on August 2016 with the theme “The Revitalization of Architectural Heritage in Braga Bandung and Kota Tua Jakarta”. Each team was tried to give any intervention and concept design to be implemented in that areas. Gunadarma University as a host university in this event made an international relation with University of Ulsan as our partner. The purpose of this event is to establish International relation with University all over the world, and also to address challenges which the world is facing nowadays. It was a quite successfull event between each university. All the participants were connected and making an International friendship in order to collaborate their ideas in each other teams. Then, in the next year ahead the IAW event was continuously held spesifically on August 24th 2017. This 2nd workshop was not held in gunadarma, but apparently at Ulsan, South Korea. University of Ulsan as a host university provides all the necessary arrangement during the workshop’s event in there. The theme of this 2nd workshop is “Locality and Modernity”, that is literally still disscuss the same context with the previous workshop event. Furthermore, about the design object was about a visitor’s center for the old city area in Ulsan. After 2 years experience, IAW were evaluated and want to make another relation with other universities generally all over the world and specifically in Asia to create a collaboration in architectural design among each country.