Full Name : Dr. Hartanto Budiyuwono, Ir., M.T.
Email address : habe@gmail.com
- Bachelor Degree:
Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia, Bandung (1981) - Master Degree:
Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia, Bandung (1998) - Doctor Degree:
Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia, Bandung (2014)
- Zoning (Mintakat) in Architecture
- Housing and settlements
- Introduction to settlements
- Urban settlements
- Institutions (pranata) in development
- Environmental technology in architecture
- Introduction to real estate
- Masters S2, Mintakat in Architecture
- Masters S2, Socio-Cultural Aspects in Architecture
- Architecture design studios 3 and 4
- Supervisors and examiners and thesis
- Masters and examiners of Masters S2
International Journal (all publications)
- Fundamental Differences Between Chinese Ethnic House Type With Arabs in Tegal City by The Pattern of Relationship Zone Approach. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, ISSN 2090-4304, (sebagai penulis kedua). (index: Thomson Reuter) September 2012.
- Optimizing The Use of Space and Dimensions of The Ideal House in Housing Singgasana Pradana (SP) in Indonesia for Well-established Families. Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering and Science, ISBN: 2319-6483, ISSN: 2278-4721, Vol 2, Issue 1. (sebagai penulis pertama). (index: Microsoft Academic Search). January 2013.
- Architectural Spatial Form in The Javanese House at Tegal City of Indonesia in The Year 1930. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, volume 6, Issue 9. (index: Microsoft Academic Search). April 2013.
- Visual Study of Type 36 Square Meters (T.36) by Sunlight because of Ohysical Changes in The Surrounding Environment. Indian Journal of Economics & Development, Print ISSN : 2320-9828, Online ISSN : 2320-9836, Volume 2, Issue 4. www.indjst.org www.iseeadyar.org, (index: Scopus, Microsoft Academic Search). August 2014.
- The dynamics of ideas, tradition, and the Dutch house in 1900 in the Tegal city. ISSN 2319-4847, Volume 5 – Issue 2 – February 2016. www.ijaiem.org, (index: Thomson Reuters, google scholar, index copernicus). February 2016.
- House Typology of Musi River’s Edge in the City of Palembang, South of Sumatra – Indonesia. ISSN (Print): 0974-6846. ISSN (online): 0974-5645, Volume 9, Issue 10, March 2016. www.indjst.org (index: scopus). March 2016.
- The dynamics of ideas, tradition, and the Chinese house in 1900 in the Tegal city – Indonesia; EISSN: 2313-3724, Print ISSN:2313-626X, (index: Thomson Reuters). 2016.
- Zoning Transformation at Sporl Center and lts lnfluence Toward Housing- Case Study: Arcamanik Sport Center and Arcamanik Housing in lndonesia. Published by Canadian Center ofScience and Education. ISSN 1918-7173, Nama Jurnal / Media: Reviev,r of European Studres. Hartanto Budiyuwono, Shirli Putri Asri, INDEX: THOMSON REUTERS. September 5, 2018.
- Location, Pattern of Arrangement, and Physical Elements of Open Space in the Ifolia Cluster, Bekasi. Review of European Studies; Vol. 11, No. 3; 2019 ISSN 1918-7173 E-ISSN 1918-7181 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. THOMSON REUTERS. Hartanto Budiyuwono. Agustus 2019.
- Factors Affecting The Use Of Shared Space and Environmental Facilities of Cibeureum Rental Social Housing, Indonesia. Review of European Studies; Vol. 11, No. 3; 2019 ISSN 1918-7173 E-ISSN 1918-7181. Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education THOMSON REUTERS. Hartanto Budiyuwono. Agustus 2019.
- Change of Spatial Layout and Space Function of Simple Residential House T.36 Case study: Block L Bumi Parahyangan Kencana, Cangkuang District, Bandung Regency, Indonesia. International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD). ISSN: 2455-8761; www.ijrerd.com, Volume 03 – Issue 03 – PP. 29-35, Ikhwan Nurtadril, Hartanto Budiyuwono. March 2018.
- Living Room Layout and Master Bedroom Layout of Type 54 House Considered By Natural Lighting, International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research (An International Open Access Journal, About UGC and ISSN Approved); ISSN: 2455-2631, Volume 3 Issue 4, Mochammad Ardi Prayoga , Hartanto Budiyuwono , Rahadian Prajudi Herwindo; Publisher: IJSDR, www.ijsdr.org. April 2018.
- Identification of Various Activities at Dago Suites Apartment Private Outdoor Space, International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD) ISSN: 2455-8761 www.ijrerd.com, Volume 03 –Issue 03, PP. 103-113; Krisantia Indah Primasari,ST., Dr. Ir. Hartanto Budiyuwono, MT; March 2018.
- Simulation At House Type 45 Viewed From Natural Light, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) (Vol.7, No. 3), , Rachmat Kurnia, Hartanto Budiyuwono. 2018-04-20.
- Factors affecting the occupants’ territory characteristic at the corridor of Cibeureum Rental Social Housing – Indonesia, Science and Engineering Applications, 193–198. doi:10.26705/SAEA. 2017.2.15.193-198, Eldreangky Reynardta and Hartanto Budiyuwono. 2017.
- Zoning of Functional Transformation of Sport Center at Arcamanik Housing, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia; International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD). ISSN: 2455-8761 www.ijrerd.com, Volume 03 –Issue 03 PP. 97-102, Shirli Putri Asri, Hartanto Budiyuwono. March 2018.
National Journal (all publications)
- Preferensi Anak Terhadap Ruang Bermain Pada Rusunawa di Bandung. Studi kasus: rusunawa cigugur dan cingised. Jurnal Nasional UBL, Vol. 02, No. 02. ISSN: 2087-2709. Hartanto Budiyuwono. Juni 2012.
- Form, Space, And Order In Al-Munawar Arabic Village Palembang. Meuthia Rizki Fauziah ; Hartanto Budiyuwono. Vol 3, No 03 (2019), RISET ARSITEKTUR “RISA”
- Analysis Of Cycle 8 Period Flying Star Feng Shui On Cycle 7 Period Residential Space Layout. Craven Arden Liman ; Hartanto Budiyuwono. Vol 3, No 02 (2019), RISET ARSITEKTUR “RISA”
- Tata Ruang Dalam Rumah Sederhana Tipe 54 Perumahan Kedung Badak Baru Bogor Ditinjau Dari Pencahayaan. Muhammad Ardi Prayoga, Hartanto Budiyuwono, Rahadian Prajudi. Arteks – jurnal Teknik arsitektur. Juni 1, 2018
- Konsep Ekologis Dan Budaya Pada Perancangan Hunian Paska Bencana Di Yogyakarta. Lucky Preseyo, Rumiati Rosaline Tobing. Hartanto Budiyuwono, Arteks – jurnal Teknik arsitektur. Juni 1, 2018
International Seminar (2015 – 2020)
- Integration of Habitable Space and Construction Space in Residences as The Concept of Hybrid Space. Buku Proseding International Seminar on Livable Space Creating Space for Better Life, Department of Architecture, Trisakti University. Hartanto Budiyuwono. 16-17 February 2012.
National Seminar (2015 – 2020)
- Koreksi Arsitektural pada Rancangan Rumah Sederhana Sehat. Seminar Nasional di Undip, Peran Arsitektur Perkotaan dalam Mewujudkan Kota Tropis, ISBN: 978-979-704-628-6. Hartanto Budiyuwono. 6 Agustus 2008.
- Jentrifikasi Seni dan Budaya, Dilema Desain di Indonesia. seminar nasional di Maranatha. Seni Rupa & Desain Dalam Transformasi Budaya Indonesia, ISBN: 978-979-17433-4-1. Hartanto Budiyuwono. 2010
- Peran Mintakat (Zone) Dalam Konsep Arsitektur Hunian. Studi Kasus: Hunian Eks Kolonial, Cina, Arab, dan Masyarakat Lokal di Kota Tegal. Seminar Nasional (s1 Unpar) dan Pameran, Kebijakan & Strategi Pengadaan Perumahan Berkelanjutan di Indonesia. ISBN: 978-979-P5595-8-6. Hartanto Budiyuwono. 22-23 November 2011.
- Simposium Nasional Arsitektur dan Feng shui, pendekatan Feng Shui dalam dunia Arsitektur, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=166461783499731&set=t.1000197206&type=3, Hartanto Budiyuwono. Kamis 8 November 2012.
- Pendekatan Tropis Pada Kantor NIS (Nederlandshe Indische Spoorweg-Maatschappij) Di Tegal. Studi Kasus: Karya Pertama Arsitek Henricus Maclaine Pont di Indonesia yang Dirancang Tahun 1910 di Belanda, dan Dibangun Tahun 1911-1913. Hartanto Budiyuwono, April 2015.
- Buku ajar: Dasar-dasar Teknik Presentasi Gambar Arsitektur. ISBN: 979.95595.0.2. Hartanto Budiyuwono, Tahun 1998.
- Pola Pertumbuhan Fisik Bangunan di Area Aksesibilitas Kota Mempengaruhi Lingkungan Kota. Kasus studi: Linieritas Aksesibilitas Jalur Utara-Timur kota Bandung. Makalah, Penerbit: LPPM Unpar, Hartanto Budiyuwono, tahun 2003.
- Budaya Dalam Bangunan di Tegal. Makalah, Penerbit: LPPM Unpar, Hartanto Budiyuwono, tahun 2008.
- Rumah Rakit Palembang. Dalam Buku Logat Arsitektur Nusantara, ISBN: 979-979-17433-4-1. Hartanto Budiyuwono, 2008.
- Hibriditas Bangunan Kolonial di Tegal. Dalam Buku Pertemuan Arsitektur, ISBN: 978-979-17433-5-8. Hartanto Budiyuwono. 2008.
- The person in charge of the risa journal – Sinta 5, Architecture Unpar
- The person in charge of undergraduate thesis award S1 Unpar
- Secretary of the Department of Architecture 1999-2002.
- Secretary of the Department of Architecture 2005-2007.