Full Name : Anindhita Nugroho Sunartio, S.T. ,M.T.
Email address : didit@unpar.ac.id
- Bachelor Degree:
Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia (1991‐1996) - Master Degree:
Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia (1998‐2001) - Doctor Degree:
Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia
Architectural Design, Urban Design and Planning, Green Building, Sustainable City and Landscape, Disaster and Mitigation, Building Code.
- Architecture Design Studio 1 (1st year)
- Architecture Design Studio 4th (2nd year)
- Architecture of The City (2nd year)
- Site Planning (2nd year)
- Urban Design (3rd year)
- Introduction to Urban Design (elective, 3rd year)
- Independent Study (elective, 3rd year)
- Final Design Studio (4th year)
- Final Writing Thesis (4th year)
International Journal (all publications)
- On Local Building Culture and Materials. Annual International Workshop & Expo on Sumatra Tsunami‐Disaster Recovery (AIWEST‐DR), Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center, Banda Aceh, 2008
National Journal (all publications)
- Acculturation in Nias House Architecture Styles. National Vernacular Architecture Symposium 2, Bandung 2008
- Land‐use Planning and Sustainability. National Seminar in Land Resource Crisis Handling Strategy to Support Food and Energy Independency, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Bogor, 2008
- Self‐supporting House as Housing Supply Solution. National Seminar in Public Housing, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, 2008
National Seminar (2015 – 2020)
- Environmental and Socio‐Cultural Study in Public Works and Public Housing Infrastructure Planning to support Centers of Development in Sulawesi, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Makassar, 2019 (presenter)
- Urban Design Guidelines for Tunjungan Street Corridor Socialization, Surabaya Municipality Government, Surabaya, 2019 (presenter)
- The Architecture of The City. Parahyangan Catholic University Postgraduate Program, Bandung, 2018 (presenter)
- New Building Code Regulation for Bandung City, Bandung Municipality Government, Bandung, 2018 (presenter)
- Development Design Manuals for Bandung City, Bandung Municipality Government, Bandung, 2018 (presenter)
- Urban Design Guidelines for Indonesian City Symposium, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Jakarta, 2017 (presenter)
- Urban Green Space Planning Evaluation Workshop, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Jakarta, 2015 (presenter)
- Heritage House Renovation, Jl. Tirtayasa, Bandung, 2020.
- Heritage House (designed by Ir. Soekarno) Reconstruction and Renovation, Jl. Gatot Soebroto, Bandung, 2019.
- Mayor of Bandung Regulation Draft for Standard Criteria Mechanism and Development Design Manual, Bandung Municipality Government, Regional Secretary Office, Bandung, 2019.
- Bandung City Building Code Regulation Draft, Bandung Municipality Government, Department of Spatial Planning, Bandung, 2018.
- Development Design Manuals for Bandung Municipality Government, Regional Secretary Office, Development Design & Quality Program (Prodekbang), Bandung, 2018.
- Slum‐Area Revitalization Planning at Cigugur Tengah, Cimahi, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Center for Housing and Settlement Research and Development, 2017.
- Masterplan Design for King of The Universe Catholic Church at Nanga Bulik, Lamandau Regency Department of Public Works, Central Kalimantan, 2017
- Masterplan Concept for Pontianak Waterfront City Planning, Pontianak Municipality Government, Department of City Planning, Pontianak, 2017.
- Landscape Design for Building 10 Rooftop, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, 2017.
- Urban Kampung Revitalization & Empowerment at Manteos, Siliwangi, Bandung, 2016‐2018.
- Public Park Landscape Design, Raffles Hills, Cibubur, 2015.
- Landscape Design for Journalist Park at Malabar Street, Bandung Municipality Government, Bandung, 2015
- Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI), Professional Member (1996‐now)
- Ikatan Ahli Bangunan Hijau Indonesia (IABHI), Professional Member (2018‐now)
- Ikatan Peneliti Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia (IPLBI), Member (2018‐now)
- Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI), Professional Member (2018‐now)
- Ikatan Ahli Rancang Kota Indonesia (IARKI), Member (2019‐now)
- Perkumpulan Ahli Pengkaji Teknis Indonesia (PAPTI), Professional Member (since 2020)
- Gabungan Tenaga Ahli dan Terampil Konstruksi Indonesia (GATAKI), Professional Member (2016‐ now)
- Ikatan Alumni ITB, Member (2001‐now)
- Ikatan Alumni Rancang Kota ITB (ARKI), Co‐Founding Member (2016‐now)
- Ikatan Alumni Arsitektur Unpar (IAAU), Member (1996‐now)