Anindhita Nugroho Sunartio

Full Name          : Anindhita Nugroho Sunartio, S.T. ,M.T.
Email address   :


  • Bachelor Degree:
    Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia (1991‐1996)
  • Master Degree:
    Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia (1998‐2001)
  • Doctor Degree:
    Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia


Architectural Design, Urban Design and Planning, Green Building, Sustainable City and Landscape, Disaster and Mitigation, Building Code.


  1. Architecture Design Studio 1 (1st year)
  2. Architecture Design Studio 4th (2nd year)
  3. Architecture of The City (2nd year)
  4. Site Planning (2nd year)
  5. Urban Design (3rd year)
  6. Introduction to Urban Design (elective, 3rd year)
  7. Independent Study (elective, 3rd year)
  8. Final Design Studio (4th year)
  9. Final Writing Thesis (4th year)

International Journal (all publications)

  1. On Local Building Culture and Materials. Annual International Workshop & Expo on Sumatra Tsunami‐Disaster Recovery (AIWEST‐DR), Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center, Banda Aceh, 2008

National Journal (all publications)

  1. Acculturation in Nias House Architecture Styles. National Vernacular Architecture Symposium 2, Bandung 2008
  2. Land‐use Planning and Sustainability. National Seminar in Land Resource Crisis Handling Strategy to Support Food and Energy Independency, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Bogor, 2008
  3. Self‐supporting House as Housing Supply Solution. National Seminar in Public Housing, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, 2008

National Seminar (2015 – 2020)

  1. Environmental and Socio‐Cultural Study in Public Works and Public Housing Infrastructure Planning to support Centers of Development in Sulawesi, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Makassar, 2019 (presenter)
  2. Urban Design Guidelines for Tunjungan Street Corridor Socialization, Surabaya Municipality Government, Surabaya, 2019 (presenter)
  3. The Architecture of The City. Parahyangan Catholic University Postgraduate Program, Bandung, 2018 (presenter)
  4. New Building Code Regulation for Bandung City, Bandung Municipality Government, Bandung, 2018 (presenter)
  5. Development Design Manuals for Bandung City, Bandung Municipality Government, Bandung, 2018 (presenter)
  6. Urban Design Guidelines for Indonesian City Symposium, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Jakarta, 2017 (presenter)
  7. Urban Green Space Planning Evaluation Workshop, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Jakarta, 2015 (presenter)


  1. Heritage House Renovation, Jl. Tirtayasa, Bandung, 2020.
  2. Heritage House (designed by Ir. Soekarno) Reconstruction and Renovation, Jl. Gatot Soebroto, Bandung, 2019.
  3. Mayor of Bandung Regulation Draft for Standard Criteria Mechanism and Development Design Manual, Bandung Municipality Government, Regional Secretary Office, Bandung, 2019.
  4. Bandung City Building Code Regulation Draft, Bandung Municipality Government, Department of Spatial Planning, Bandung, 2018.
  5. Development Design Manuals for Bandung Municipality Government, Regional Secretary Office, Development Design & Quality Program (Prodekbang), Bandung, 2018.
  6. Slum‐Area Revitalization Planning at Cigugur Tengah, Cimahi, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Center for Housing and Settlement Research and Development, 2017.
  7. Masterplan Design for King of The Universe Catholic Church at Nanga Bulik, Lamandau Regency Department of Public Works, Central Kalimantan, 2017
  8. Masterplan Concept for Pontianak Waterfront City Planning, Pontianak Municipality Government, Department of City Planning, Pontianak, 2017.
  9. Landscape Design for Building 10 Rooftop, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, 2017.
  10. Urban Kampung Revitalization & Empowerment at Manteos, Siliwangi, Bandung, 2016‐2018.
  11. Public Park Landscape Design, Raffles Hills, Cibubur, 2015.
  12. Landscape Design for Journalist Park at Malabar Street, Bandung Municipality Government, Bandung, 2015


  1. Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI), Professional Member (1996‐now)
  2. Ikatan Ahli Bangunan Hijau Indonesia (IABHI), Professional Member (2018‐now)
  3. Ikatan Peneliti Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia (IPLBI), Member (2018‐now)
  4. Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI), Professional Member (2018‐now)
  5. Ikatan Ahli Rancang Kota Indonesia (IARKI), Member (2019‐now)
  6. Perkumpulan Ahli Pengkaji Teknis Indonesia (PAPTI), Professional Member (since 2020)
  7. Gabungan Tenaga Ahli dan Terampil Konstruksi Indonesia (GATAKI), Professional Member (2016‐ now)
  8. Ikatan Alumni ITB, Member (2001‐now)
  9. Ikatan Alumni Rancang Kota ITB (ARKI), Co‐Founding Member (2016‐now)
  10. Ikatan Alumni Arsitektur Unpar (IAAU), Member (1996‐now)